Tuesday, October 10, 2006

follow-up chat

Neil/Bob: have quick question
its about how to document it (the listening project)
and how not to drive it too much
one way might be to document the changes in yourself
a kind of subjective experiment

it comes back to that previous point we talked about
the other day
if you just implement it and observe
then you are standing back to look
but if you document the change in yourself
you are not only standing close to listen
but are taking part and feeling
that's one thought

the other is...

...to document the changes in other people.
we were both surprised at how we noticed our listening was
in some ways self-centered
this is social practices
so some impact on society is probably a good thing, no?
effecting a change n' all that?
but it's not free from mediation
which i think you were interested in doing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was having a quiet google for some listening stuff. Quite a few clicks came up, including a professional association dedicated to listening! Check these guys out: http://www.listen.org/Templates/try_new.htm or their section on quotes about effective listening: http://www.listen.org/quotations/quotes_effective.html
Also, if you just type in "Listening" you get a whole lot of sites which want you to pay to learn how to listen. Most of them are probably legitimate, since they are part of English (or other) language learning, of which listening is an important skill. However it struck me as odd that we listening is an activity that can be commodified. After all, we have to listen to this advertisement telling us how to listen even more. There is clearly an irony.